Remember Spencer art Museum

Another wonderful sim that is now closed:
Spencer Art Museum

Sans titre

The sim explosed then rebuilds itself. A very well done cycle that gave the possibility to rediscover differently. This was a really amazing build. Made by a script writer (blotto Epsilon) and a designer (Cutea Benelli). More information on this site.

I just put my avatar here a lot, waiting for the sim to explod...

Sans titre

It is also the first steampunk sim that I visit without even knowing this genre, but it makes me think of certain Miyazaki work and I found it fun to fit with the decor.

I  begin to snap and interest in sl edited-pictures in 2011. This night I was visiting the sim with an old friend:


Then I started my first sl blog...(this is just the fourth^^)

first steam picture

After that I decided to explore the steamland by wings-flight :

learning to fly

Lot of people made machiniva in this sim, here is one:
