Best steampunk flickr pictures #1

... from the steampunk SL group on flickr. I will select every month (or every 2 month...or sometimes when I take time for this^^)

Of course this is completly subjectiv, but as I select entries of this group (you have no idea of what people can call steampunk...) here I select my favorites of favorites. (when people give the permission of sharing..)

I'll try to show different things, some wonderfull works that also give the opportunity to see SL evolution through places/outfit ..

1: Battle Lines being drawn by Spider Silverfall:

Battle lines being drawn

2: leaving Forgotten City by Mademoiselle Rose. (I definitly love the blue and gold association):

Leaving Forgotten City

3:Roses of rust by Tizzi Canucci

Roses of Rust

4: Abby/Manachan: I aim to misbeahave:

[I aim to misbehave]

5: Steampunked by Revan Jinn:


6: a look by Ton Thumper :


7: 0814 by Ton Thumper:
